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Manpreet Kaur Sachdev
Jun 29, 20233 min read
Coming Back Home
Coming Back Home: Poetry about finding peace and joy in presence.

Manpreet Kaur Sachdev
Jan 28, 20237 min read
40 Things I've Learned In 40 Years
What I learned about love, purpose, kindness, parenting, and simplicity... Thus far, I've lived a rich and fulfilling life; a life that I...

Manpreet Kaur Sachdev
Jan 10, 20234 min read
You Are Worthy!
People who do not know your value are not qualified to determine your worth. Why belittle yourself when you can be bold, beautiful, and...

Manpreet Kaur Sachdev
Dec 1, 20223 min read
Slow Down... And Notice
"I would like to spend the rest of my days at a place so silent, and working at a pace so slow, that I would be able to hear myself...
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